Fraud Defence First has been accepted to become a registered participating organisations of the PCI council which was formed by the card schemes Visa, Mastercard, JCB, Diners, American Express and Discover’s in the global fight against payment and card fraud.
What is the PCI DSS Participating Organisation registry of service providers?
There are only 161 European companies (and just 750 companies globally) who are registered in the payment industry as a participating organisation. We sit alongside the acquiring banks, processors, hardware and software developers, and Epos providers to ensure global fraud defence.
What are the responsibilities of a Participating Organisation?
Each Participating Organisation agrees to be bound by the following obligations and rules of participation.
- Vote for Participating Organization representatives on the PCI SSC Board of Advisors. Elections shall be at such times and under such policies and procedures as shall from time to time be approved by the Board of Managers of PCI SSC.
- Nominate a representative to stand for election to the PCI SSC Board of Advisors, pursuant to such policies and procedures as shall from time to time be approved by the Board of Managers of PCI SSC.
- Comment on drafts of all revisions to the DSS specification, and on any new specifications, prior to public release.
- Attend any annual Standards Community Meeting to be hosted by PCI SSC.
- Publicly disclose its status as a PCI SSC Participating Organization.
- Recommend new initiatives for consideration to PCI SSC.
- Such other rights as may from time to time be approved and announced by PCI SSC.